Level 1 & 2 Bikeability Course

This week a group of Year 7 students were given the opportunity to complete their Level 1 & 2 Bikeability course over 3 days. The course tested their knowledge of bike safety and maintenance – with some students learning how to check their own bike for maintenance issues for the very first time! The course also saw them take to the roads to learn how to safely ride alongside cars and pedestrians. 

A large number of students were successful in completing the course and will receive their certificates and badges in front of their year group during assembly to celebrate their success.

The instructors who conducted the course thoroughly enjoyed their time at the Academy and commented on the exemplary behaviour of students calling them “a credit to the Academy at all times”.

Miss Payne would like to extend her congratulations to the successful students on an excellent achievement and her thanks to Cycle North for providing the course to our students completely free of charge.