Parent/Carer Guides

Please find a copy of our latest parent/carer guide below.

Supporting your child during assessments and GCSE exams

Parents and Carers should ensure:
• Pupils have 100% attendance during exam periods.
• Pupils arrive to school punctually and have the necessary equipment for their examinations (including a scientific calculator for Maths and Science exams).
• Pupils are engaged in revision for the examinations at home in addition to the extensive extra-curricular offer that is in place to support them at school.
Please do not book any holidays until we receive information from the exam boards.
The awarding bodies have designated DATE TO FOLLOW as a ‘contingency day’ for examinations. This means in the event of national or local disruption to scheduled exams then the awarding body may need to use the contingency day. Therefore, students must remain available until DATE TO FOLLOW.

How you can help:

  • Ensure pupils have a quiet place to study
  • Help pupils to plan their time, use a weekly revision timetable
  • Ensure they are continually going through and making new notes from revision guides and other accredited sources
  • Set targets and offer small rewards
  • Encourage pupils to focus on their weaknesses
  • Ensure they attend the after school enrichment sessions
  • Ensure they are accessing revision material regularly – Revision Tips – Manor Croft Academy
  • Get in touch if you have any questions or need any advice

Manor Croft Academy follows the rules and regulations set out by JCQ, details of which can be found by clicking here

Exam Access Arrangements

Students in KS4 may receive access arrangements in order to support examinations. All access arrangements are on an individual basis and are as a result of testing to establish need. We endeavour to identify in KS3 if students may need additional arrangements to support examinations, however they will not be officially tested until year 10 via our external provider. More information on Exam Access Arrangements can be found: