Wakefield City of Sanctuary

On Friday 21st January, we were delighted to welcome volunteers from Wakefield City of Sanctuary, into school to speak to Year 7, 8 and 9 students. Linda and Sue described the work they do to support asylum seekers and refugees when they arrive in our local area. Linda explained why people seek asylum and become refugees, what challenges the individuals and families face when they arrive and how Wakefield, as a City of Sanctuary, offers a welcome and ongoing support to them. Sue described her work as a teacher and how she set up a ‘Conversation Café’  which helps the refugees to feel part of the community and develops their English language skills. The City of Sanctuary also offers clothing and access to a food bank as the asylum seekers are unable to claim benefits or work while they are awaiting refugee status, which may or may not be granted. They provide ‘welcome baby’ packs for expectant mothers which are particularly valued, especially as they include hand knitted items. This makes the mothers feel like someone cares.  

The session was interesting and informative and supports Manor Croft’s  whole school literacy initaitive focusing on ‘Boy Everywhere’.  The book tells the story of a family who are forced to flee their home in Syria and make the difficult journey as asylum seekers to Manchester.   

We are looking forward to developing our links with the City of Sanctuary and supporting the inclusive work the volunteers do.  

For further information, please see their website:          https://wakefield.cityofsanctuary.org