Yorkshire Wildlife Park 2025 – Year 7 Memorable Experience

On Tuesday 21st January, the Art and Humanities departments took all the Manor Croft Academy year 7 students to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park. As part of their exciting curriculum, students create Artwork in the form of printing, painting, textiles, ceramic and digital, based on animals, and in Geography, they look at how animals adapt to survive in their environments.

The students faced animals up close, took great photos and experienced an inspiring classroom session with the park’s animal experts. Even though the weather started off very cold, the sun broke through the winter clouds, and they got to see Tigers, Giraffes, Rhinos, Polar Bears, hold Giant Snails and Cockroaches, and even saw feeding time for the Lions and Ring-Tailed Lemurs. Sadly, the dinosaurs there weren’t real!

This is always a successful and enjoyable trip for everyone involved, and this year was no exception. A roar-someday was had by all.